The Time St. Maximus the Confessor was Accused of Aiding the Arab Conquests
Maximus is one of Christianity’s most prolific theologians and seeing that he lived during the birth of Islam and the early Arab conquests, I have always regretted that he never wrote some sort of treatise on the Muslim faith.
Rabiʿa al-ʿAdawiyya’s Radical Love for God and the Orthodox Christian Tradition
I remember years ago stumbling upon an astonishing quote from the eighth-century Sufi mystic Rabiʿa al-ʿAdawiyya, also known as Rabiʿa of Basra:
The Testimony of Jacob, the Prophet Muhammad, and the Keys of Paradise
I finally got around to reading Muhammad and the Empires of Faith: The Making of the Prophet of Islam by Sean W. Anthony, and it was an enlightening experience.
The Prophet Muhammad, St. John Damascene, and a Mysterious Monk
In the traditional accounts of the life of the Prophet Muhammad, we find a number of important interactions between the founder of Islam and Christians, e.g., Khadija’s cousin Waraqa or the deputation of Najrani Christians in Medina.