Alexander the Great in Christianity and Islam, Part One: The Christian Tradition
While Alexander the Great’s exalted status in modern-day Greece and elsewhere in the Balkans may be attributed in no small part to both the revival of Hellenism during the Greek Revolution and to other regional movements for national independence and ethnic identity in lands formerly ruled by the Ottoman Empire, his legacy was far from forgotten in Byzantium.
Speaking Truth to Power: The Acts of the Apostles and Sayyida Zaynab
The courage to speak truth to power is a difficult thing for most to muster, but it is even more difficult when the power that you are confronting holds your very life in its hands.
Imam ʿAli and St. Peter as Wasis in Shiʿism and Potential Parallels with Orthodox Ecclesiology
Shiʿi Muslims believe that the Prophet Muhammad designated his cousin and son-in-law ʿAli ibn Abi Talib to succeed him as leader of the Muslim community, or umma.